I offer a range of experimental kits and fabric paints for you to create your own textile designs, following my techniques of layering fabrics, creating textured backgrounds, painting with fabric paints and then working into with freehand machine or hand stitching.
Experimental Kits Each pack contains a variety of fabrics and full instructions. In addition you will require threads and paints.

Pack Contents Instructions, Design, Calico backing fabric, Stabiliser, Textured Fabrics.
Doorway Landscape Treescape Poppy Meadow Brighton Pavilion

Create your own doorway design using a variety of fabrics and freehand stitching.

Create your own treescape design using a variety of fabrics and freehand stitching.
 Create your own textured landscape using a variety of fabrics and freehand stitching.

Create your own Brighton Pavilion using a variety of fabrics and freehand stitching.

Create your own poppy meadow using a variety of fabrics and freehand stitching.
£15.00 per pack + £1.50 post and packing (UK only - contact for overseas postage costs)